
Visual Revolutionary

A show featuring in-depth conversations with some of the world's leading photographers, filmmakers, and other visual artists, where we talk about the journey that shaped them into the person they are today, how they established their career, and the advice they give to others chasing their own creative goals.
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Visual Revolutionary












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Oct 31, 2019

Award winning photojournalist, documentary photographer, and filmmaker Sebastian Meyer joins the show to talk about how he went from a kid growing up in New York, to spending ten years living in Kurdistan, co-founding the first Iraqi photography agency, and his beautiful new book that documents the journey and the people called "Under Every Yard of Sky".  Although Sebastian had a similar experience as so many others that have been on this show before of getting the chance to learn photography in a high school class, it wouldn't be until years later during college while he was studying abroad in France that he would truly fall in love with it.  After seeing some of the photos he was taking during his travels, a friend turned him on to the field of photojournalism and gave him a book on Magnum photographers that would change his life.  Soon enough Sebastian was chasing his own dreams as a photojournalist, and even ended up as an intern at the Magnum photography agency.  After moving to London to try and establish himself as a photographer there, Sebastian was given the opportunity through a friend to travel to Kurdistan on an assignment.  While on assignment, he met who would become his best friend and future business partner Kamaran Najm and the two of them would go on to create something idealistic and amazing in Kurdistan.  During our conversation Sebastian tells me what attracted him to life in the middle east and how he ended up calling Kurdistan home for so long, what it was like trying to build a photo agency, the tragic story of his best friend Kamaran, how he feels about the current state of photojournalism, and the advice he gives to others coming up in the field.  

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Oct 10, 2019

My good friend, and bad ass photographer, Emily Polar returns to the show to have an honest conversation about what it looks like to truly value and honor your time, the issues she has with the conventional model of the the role of an advertising photographer, what it was like to live and study in Nepal for the last three years, the influence Buddhism and daily meditation has on her life, how she manages her money and lives with almost no overhead in order to stay on the move, and the plans she has going forward with her career and her personal life.  Make sure to check out Episode #4 from the way back machine to hear Emily's first appearance on the show where she discusses her backstory and how she got to where she is today.  

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Oct 8, 2019

Documentary photographer, respected photojournalist, and educator Glenna Gordon joins the show to talk about how she went from a kid growing up in suburban Orange County, to living in West Africa covering everything from Boko Haram to Muslim women who write romance novels.  Although Glenna was raised in a loving home and in a sheltered community, she was no stranger to stories of tragedy and hardship and was brought up with the intimate knowledge of what true suffering and sacrifice can look like.  She knew from a young age that Irvine was not the place for her and she had dreams of living in New York and seeing what else the world had to offer.  After studying art history at UC Berkley and then getting a job that would move her to NYC, she realized that she wasn't creatively satisfied and wanted more than sitting at a desk full of paperwork.  She attended journalism school at Columbia and then decided to go visit her older brother who was living and working in Rwanda.  On a whim, and full of youthful courage, she somehow managed to talk her way into a Rwandan prison and put together a story about women who were being held there.  That story would end up being the catalyst to her chasing her passion of story telling, becoming more dedicated to photography, and falling in love with the people of Africa.  During our conversation we talk about what made her decide to move to Uganda at the age of 25 and the transition from being a writer to focusing more on telling stories with her camera, what it was like to create such a viral media piece like her story on the 300 girls kidnapped by Boko Haram, her eventual move back to New York and realizing some of the stories that needed to be told here in the states, and the advice she gives to those dreaming of one day telling their own visual stories.  

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Sep 27, 2019

Editorial and Commercial fashion/lifestyle photographer and educator Clay Cook joins the podcast from his studio in Louisville, KY to talk about how he went from years on the road as a guitar player in a popular hard rock band, to shooting fashion editorials and commercial campaigns across the country.  Although Clay was very influenced by movies at an early age and loved trying to create his own short films, at 16 years old he joined a band that would alter the trajectory of his life and send him out chasing the dream of stardom and touring the country for the next 10 years.  Music became everything to him during that time and his band put out an album that attracted the attention of some in the music business and became the foundation of so many of the stories he has from the earlier part of his life. During all those years of touring, Clay started doing graphic design work to supplement his income, which led him to finally picking up a camera in an attempt to create his own stock imagery for design purposes.  Before long he became more and more fascinated by figuring out photography and his band began to realize that it might be time to move on with their lives.  Clay began to put more of his focus on becoming a better shooter and finding clients and the rest is history.  During our conversion Clay talks about the personal project and book that helped launch his career, why he's chosen to keep his studio in a smaller market like Louisville, KY when he is shooting national work, what motivates him to keep creating, some of the positive and negative aspects of getting involved in the online education world of photography, and the advice he gives to others coming up.  

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Sep 11, 2019

Action Sports and Commercial Filmmaker, and one of the co-founders of Anthill Films, Darren McCullough joins the podcast to talk about the crew's latest film "Return to Earth" and how he went from being a kid growing up in the small town of Lions Bay BC to becoming part of a filmmaking team making some of the most cutting edge mountain bike films available. As a kid growing up in a small town with access to both the mountain lifestyle and the ocean, Darren had an early love for skiing and outdoor adventures.  So it was only natural that after his older brother started getting him involved in photography and filmmaking in High School, that he had created his first ski film before he even thought about the prospect of college or the future.  Because of those early tastes of creative success, and with his older brother's mentorship and encouragement, Darren began to pursue what else could come from what seemed to be a fairly natural eye for shooting.  After years of working for others in the commercial realm and continuing his education through a short stint in film school and multiple professional mentorships, Darren realized that he missed being a part of the mountain lifestyle that his first ski film had afforded him.  During that time he met a crew of like minded creatives working on a mountain bike film that would soon become the foundation of The Collective, and would go on to produce three full length feature films and after that would form the basis of what makes up Anthill Films and a very impressive list of film titles that are helping to revolutionize what a mountain bike video looks like in today's standards.  During our conversation we discuss the amount of time and schedule that goes into making a full length film like "Return to Earth", how they go about juggling commercial work with their passion of making mountain bike movies, how he deals with burnout when it sets in, the democracy of working with a big crew, and the advice he gives to those who dream of one day making their own sports action movies.  

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Aug 22, 2019

On this episode of the podcast Matt Porteous drops in to talk about how he went from creating a successful business as a stone mason to becoming one of the go to portrait photographers for the Royal Family, building his own successful commercial studio, and creating a staggering amount of personal photography and film projects as well as multiple outlets to showcase them in.  Matt grew up on the small island of Jersey in the U.K.  It was there that he fell in love with the ocean and the culture that surrounded it.  He spent most of his days surfing and dreaming of one day traveling the world in search of better waves.  At an early age his mother remarried and Matt found himself not only introduced to more disciple in his life, but also to the many new adventures that his stepfather began taking him on that would shape a lot of his adventurous attitude for years to come.  Matt had also become fascinated with photography during his younger years thanks to a small underwater camera that he constantly carried around with him, but it would be in his early 20s as he set out to travel through Indonesia, Australia, and other surf locations that the camera became a more important tool that he understood could tell a story.  After returning home from his travels he felt it would be a better career move to continue to pursue work in the trades, and formed what would become a fairly successful stone masonry company.  As he worked at that business he continued to constantly try and hone his skills in photography, until one day he finally made the decision to chase his dreams of becoming a professional.  He walked away from his business and the rest is history.  During our conversation Matt talks about how he first began building the portfolio that would help him create a successful wedding photography business, the way he ended up first working with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, how he created enough time to constantly continue to pursue his love of adventure photography, and the advice he gives to those coming up in the creative world trying to decide the right path to take.  

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Aug 14, 2019

On this episode of the podcast I sit down with automotive and lifestyle photographer and commercial director Jeff Stockwell to talk about how he turned a professional career as a rollerblader into becoming a sought after photographer working with some of the biggest car companies in the world.  Growing up in San Clemente Jeff always felt like an outsider because the things he was most passionate about seemed to be outside the norm of those around him.  Although he lived in a beach town, he had little interest in the ocean, and while surrounded by skateboarding, he gravitated more towards rollerblading and quickly began to gain recognition in what was then an exploding sport.  Through competing, video parts, and team sponsorships Jeff traveled the world and began to form the foundation of what would later become a visual aesthetic that would serve him well.  Although he was one of the top pros in the county, roller blading wasn't quite cutting it for paying the bills and so Jeff stayed close to the industry of his other  He worked in a machine shop and continued to learn more and more about the mechanical world and figured that would most likely represent his future.  It wasn't until years later when an opportunity arose to assist a busy automotive photographer that Jeff started to realize that he could combine his love of cars with his creative side and became fascinated with the world of photography.  Jeff put in his time working his way up in the assisting world, but before long he began to attract the attention of other art directors and decided to set out on his own.  The rest is history, and Jeff has proven he has his own vision as an artist and the drive it takes to succeed in a very competitive industry.  During our conversation we talk about constantly shooting test work and how that helps you to not only stay sharp, but to remain relevant in the midst of so may other shooters, what it was like making the decision to go out on his own after years of steady work as an assistant, how his love of vintage clothing, architecture, and cars influences his photography, and the advice he gives to others coming up in the creative world.  

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Aug 7, 2019

Renowned celebrity portrait photographer, documentary filmmaker, host of the popular show "Off Camera", and man of many creative pursuits Sam Jones joins the podcast to talk about how he went from a kid growing up in Fullerton, CA with a focus on skateboarding and punk rock, to creating a very successful career as a photographer and filmmaker.  During his younger years Sam always had a lot of outlets for creativity.  Whether he was playing music in many of the bands he was in, drawing cartoons for his school newspaper, or riding his skateboard, Sam was beginning to shape the way he viewed the world around him. During his third year of college he decided to take a photography class, and with the encouragement of his good friend Neil Blender, start creating images of what was around him.  Although music was still the main goal, Sam began to work as a photojournalist for his school paper, which quickly lead him to becoming a stringer for national news outlets.  Before long he found himself on a plane to New York to chase the growing dream of creating a life for himself in the world of photography.  During our conversation Sam tells me the story of how he created the image of Chris Rock for Vanity Fair that would help launch his career to another level, what it was like learning how to become a documentary filmmaker while actually in the midst of making a film about Wilco, how he juggles all of his creative pursuits and how he feels that keeps him from ever burning out, and the advice he gives to others who want to make a life for themselves in the creative world.  Given his background in the DIY world of punk rock and skateboarding, and all is creative pursuits, it's no wonder that Sam is just as comfortable having a long conversation with someone like Robert Downey Jr, as he is taking his portrait.  

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Jun 28, 2019

Adventure photographer, director, filmmaker, Canon ambassador, and all around bad ass Krystle Wright returns to the podcast to talk about her three most current short films "Chasing Monsters", "In Perpetual Motion", and "A Restless Peace" (Links Below).  Make sure to check out Krystle's original appearance on the show back on episode #52 to hear the story of how she got started.  During this conversation we discuss what it was like trying to create three new films for Canon over the course of three years, putting together creative teams and knowing how to let them help guide her in expressing her own vision, what it was like chasing storms through "Tornado Ally" with the most recent guest of the show Nick Moir, trying to create films that have more space to breathe and interpret the imagery instead of always needing to let the audience know what you are saying, her thoughts on the current state of "like driven" content on social media, and what's next for her as she continues to evolve as an artist.  

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**Links to all Three Films**

Chasing Mosters

In Perpetual Motion

A Restless Peace

Jun 27, 2019

Award winning photojournalist and renowned storm chaser Nick Moir joins the show to talk about what it's like facing down every type of severe weather you could imagine and how he has continued to evolve as a photographer, journalist, and creative after years in the field working with the Sydney Morning Herald.  You can get a brief glimpse into what the fast paced world of storm chasing looks like in Krystle Wright's new film "Chasing Monsters" which features Nick and his work.  Growing up in Sydney's Blue Mountains, Nick was inspired at an early age by the natural beauty and power of the storms and bushfires that were part of existence in that landscape.  As the son of a political cartoonist, art and creative expression were also a part of his young life and soon he would find his voice through the lens of a camera.  He became fascinated by the lifestyle of the newspaper photojournalist and began working his way up the ranks.  During the early 2000s, he set out with another photographer to document a devastating bushfire and after two years of coverage they had both brought home the prestigious World Press Photo Award.  Although he works as a daily news photojournalist, his continued fascination of storms has sent him all over the world from covering devastating tornadoes in America, to the Tsunami in Indonesia, to raging bushfires in his own backyard. During our conversation we talk about what it's like to mentally recover from the power and tragedy that can be involved in what he shoots, how he prepares for shooting in places like the infamous Tornado Ally, and the advice he gives to other out there wanting to brave the severity of mother nature.  

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Jun 21, 2019

On this episode I sit down with Jonathan Mehring to talk about how he went from a kid growing up in a holler in Virginia in a log home his "return to the land" parents built with no concrete in sight, to a skateboard enthusiast and one of the most well traveled skateboard photographers in the world, and finally the way that would lead him to working with National Geographic on his book "Skate the World" to help spread the global message of skateboard culture.  As a kid growing up in a rural town with pretty adventurous and outdoor enthusiastic parents, skateboarding wasn't necessarily the first thing that you would assume would become the driving force of Jonathan's life, but while driving around one day, he got a glimpse of a skater airing it out over a privacy fence of a backyard ramp and that scene would stick with him and alter the direction of his life.  Once that passion was paired with a high school photography class, his future was suddenly becoming more clear.  He would go on to study photography in college and try to ignore the advice his professors gave him to give up on the idea of photographing something like skateboarding. Before long he proved them wrong by signing on as a photographer with slap magazine.  After a long run there, and several trips to Europe, he got the travel bug and an opportunity to work with Skateboarder.  It would be at that publication that he would soon birth a mission to go to the most remote skate locals he could imagine and create editorial skate trips like no one else had ever seen.  During our conversion we talk about what it was like to ride motorcycles from Hanoi to Saigon looking for skateable terrain, how he convinced a magazine to let him spend months on the Trans Siberian Railroad, what it was like to realize that he had helped get National Geographic interested in skate culture, and the advice he gives to others with big dreams of travel and photography.  

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Jun 20, 2019

Commercial, action sports, and fine art photographer Jussi Grznar joins the show to talk about growing up in former Czechoslovakia and watching the fall of communist leadership and repression, and how that led him to chasing his dreams not only for himself, but for his parents that never had the same opportunity.  At an early age Jussi's parents always encouraged him and his sister to let themselves be influenced by travel, music, and whatever other culture they could absorb.  At age 10, when communism fell, Jussi remembers starting to finally get his hands on skateboard and snowboarding magazines, and hear some of the music that had not been allowed before.  It would become the spark of a dream that would eventually lead him to North America and through a ton of random jobs before finally picking up a camera to document the mountain lifestyle he had fallen in love with.  While living in Whistler and attending the pro photography showdown, Jussi told his close friend that one day he would stand on that stage.  It would be a prophetic statement that would give Jussi a goal that he would chase for years before making it come true and winning best in show and the people's choice at the same competition.  During our conversation we discuss the trials and tribulations Jussi dealt with not only getting to Canada, but figuring out how to survive there and get his foot in the door of the competitive world of action sports photography, what it is was like to accomplish his goal of winning at Whistler's renowned pro photographer showdown after putting in years of work, how he made the transition from action sports photographer to commercial lifestyle shooter, and the advice he give to others coming up.  

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Jun 13, 2019

Mike Lewis, aka @mike2swim, joins the show to talk about how he went from being a collegiate swimmer, to working at the executive level for the Olympic Canoe/Kayak and Water Polo teams, to finally deciding to focus on photography and find himself back in the pool with the athletes he knew best.  Growing up in southern California, Mike gravitated towards the water at an early age and quickly became an accomplished swimmer.  It would become a sport that would help him have a drive and focus throughout his high school years.  During that time, like so many others that have been on this show, he found photography and fell in love with the process.  Throughout his years as a swimmer, and then later on in his professional life working with olympic athletes, the camera was always close by and gave Mike a meditative and creative outlet that he became more and more focused on becoming proficient at.  When one of his close friends started  Swim Swam, which would become one of the biggest swimming media outlets in the world, Mike found a way to be able to focus on two of his biggest passions, swimming and photography.  Before long Mike created some images that would help launch his career to a new level and provide him opportunities to work with the biggest name swimmers and brands around.  During our conversation Mike talks about how he created a niche portfolio and career dedicated to one of his life's biggest passions, the specific challenges photographers face when photographing aquatic sports, how he tries to bring mindfulness into his daily life and work, and the advice he gives to others coming up in this world.  

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Jun 3, 2019

Award winning photographer/director Joey Lawrence (aka Joey L.) joins the show to talk about how he went from photographing his musician friends in high school, to shooting portraits of celebrities like Robert De Niro and Jennifer Lawrence, to traveling the globe extensively in the pursuit of some of the most ambitious personal projects ever discussed on this podcast.  Although he's now old enough to not be the youngest person on his sets anymore, Joey L. is still a young face in the industry, but at age 29 his portfolio is packed with work most older veterans could only dream of.  During our conversation we talk about how Joey found photography and the work ethic and drive that had him shooting professionally at the age of 16, and how he continues to evolve as an artist.  Although Joey has had no shortage of interviews and press throughout his photography career, the true testament to his talents is that he hasn't slowed down a bit.  Over the years he has continued to hone his craft and blur the lines between his personal work and his commercial projects, earning him coveted spots like the Lavazza calendar is 2016, previously shot by other top photographers like Annie Leibovitz and Mark Seliger.  Joey gives us an insiders look at what goes into creating his personal work, how he stays organized with his schedule, why he feels "burn out" is no longer an issue for him, and the advice he gives to those veterans out there that think the golden era of photography is over.  

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May 23, 2019

Filmmaker, Commercial DP, Photographer, Adventurer, and man of many talents Steve Rokks joins the podcast to talk about how he went from a kid growing up in Long Island with a fascination for jazz drumming, to  dreams of a Navy Seal career, to working as an engineer, to a job in the music industry in Dallas working with labels like Def Jam and artists like Snoop Dogg and Ice Cube, to editing videos on the side for a filmmaker friend, to finally finding himself behind the camera focused on his current career of commercial DP and documentary filmmaker.  From his earliest years that he can remember, Steve was always inspired by the work ethic and DIY attitude of his father.  It's a thread he's taken through his own life of "when a door opens, go through it and see what you can make of it".  He applied it through his younger years of making music, through the opportunity he was presented to work as a sound engineer, and finally to working as a filmmaker.  We talk about what goes into that mind set and where it comes from, and the sometimes random curve balls life throws at you that you can knock out of the park if you are willing to swing at them. During our conversation Steve discusses how he found climbing in high school, when the name Steve Rokks came about, his latest short film "The Art of Living" that was selected as a Vimeo Staff Pick, how he balanced life as a commercial DP with the personal projects he sets out to create, and the advice he gives to other creatives coming up in this world.  

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Apr 24, 2019

We finally made it to episode 100 of the podcast, and to celebrate I'm joined by special guest host Kenna Klosterman to help lead me through telling my own life story.  You might know Kenna as the host of Creative Live, or from her own great photography podcast "We Are Photographers", so she seemed like the perfect person to come in and take over hosting the Visual Revolutionary Podcast.  Kenna has also been a guest on this show before so make sure to check out Episode 64 to hear her story.  Believe it or not, I've had several requests over the last 99 episodes to tell my own story, so during this episode you get to learn more about me.  Therefore if you are one of the people who have commented that I talk too much, it might not be the episode for you.  During our conversation I tell Kenna about what it was like growing up in a small town in Kentucky, how skateboarding was the impetus of so much creativity and rebellion in my life, what it was like traveling on tour with the Grateful Dead, my stint in life as a purveyor of illegal substances, how many times I had to be threatened by legal troubles before trying to get my act together, my long standing relationship with meditation and the present moment, and what ultimately led me to a life and career in photography.  

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Apr 23, 2019

My good friend Sean Boggs returns to the show to talk about his recent personal project working with the Ninash Foundation, where he traveled through India to document people from all walks of life and captured some of the amazing changes Ninash has made in their lives and the lives of others.  During our conversation we talk about taking on personal projects and giving back by donating your services to non profit organizations, how he went about planning and executing this project, the logistics of creating environmental portraits in all types of situations, and the way others have received the work thus far.  

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Apr 11, 2019

Celebrity and lifestyle photographer Jeff Lipsky joins the podcast to talk about how he went from working as a fly fishing guide in Telluride, CO and trying to see how many days a year he could snowboard, to shooting some of the most well known celebrities in the world and working on ad campaigns for companies like Verizon, Eddie Bauer, Warner Brothers, and many others.  Although Jeff was turned on to photography at a fairly early age, it would be his passion for skiing and snowboarding that would get him to move from the east coast to explore the rest of the country.  He fell in love with mountain life and spent 10 years in Telluride, CO until photography came calling again and he rekindled his passion for shooting.  Before long he moved to LA with big dreams and a drive to make it in the very competitive world of shooting fashion and celebrity work.  After putting in his time as an assistant with some of the most well known photographers of the time, he finally took the plunge to try and make it on his own, and the rest is history.  Jeff has gone to create an amazing body of work and has given back to the world of photography by teaching with groups like Sante Fe Workshops.  During our conversation we talk about the fear of putting yourself out there, the hustle and relationships required to make it in the world of photography, what it looks like behind the scenes of a big celebrity shoot, and the advice his gives to others who have big dreams in the creative world.  

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Apr 8, 2019

On this episode of the podcast we are joined by outdoor photographer, director, writer, creative director and the co-founder/editor-in-chief of Modern Huntsman magazine Tyler Sharp.  Tyler takes us through his story of growing up outside of Austin Texas, studying photography and filmmaking at USC, and how that would eventually lead to him living in Tanzania filming Safari expeditions as his first job out of college.  After developing a taste for travel, expeditions, hunting culture, and an outdoor lifestyle, Tyler continued to pursue work in that field and before long was traveling the world with famed hunter and media personality Jim Shockey, filming a television series for the outdoor network.  Before long however, Tyler found himself back in the states and the grind of daily life expectations and work.  He started to become burned out on shooting before returning to what had generated the most passion in the first place.  Through a creative approach to marketing and networking, he soon found himself working with brands like Filson, Cabellas, Tecovas Boots, and many others.  All of this would soon start to coincide with his most ambitious and personal project ever with Modern Huntsman Magazine.  During our conversation we talk about how he developed his portfolio to attract heritage clients like Filson and others, the way Modern Huntsman Magazine came about, the conversations that need to be had about hunting, public land use, conservation and so much else, and the advice he gives to others coming up trying to make a name for themselves in this world.  

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Mar 29, 2019

Renowned action sports, advertising, and fine art photographer/director and friend of the show Bo Bridges returns to the podcast to talk about his recent collaboration with Marvel Comics, what it's like shooting in the impact zone of big wave surfing productions, and the challenges of running a brick and mortar gallery in today's retail climate.  Bo was one of Visual Revolutionary's original guests, so make sure to check out his full biographical story on episode #3 of the podcast.  During this conversation we discuss what the behind the scenes day to day looks like in the busy schedule of juggling a commercial photography career with a gallery business, what some of the specific challenges of big wave surfing photography look like, and how an action sports photographer gets hooked up with Marvel Comics.  

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Mar 13, 2019

On this episode of the podcast we are joined by Christopher Michel to hear about how he went from being a naval flight officer, to working at the Pentagon, to Harvard business school, to creating multiple companies in the tech world, to his current life as a world traveling photographer documenting some of the harshest conditions on the planet and working with everyone from leading publications to research teams along the way.  As we learn on the show, it's hard to pinpoint where Christopher grew up.  He moved around a lot as a kid and, because of that, always felt like an outsider in the new towns he found himself in.  However, it would be that outsider's spirit and the desire to stay on the move that would end up serving him well in his most recent manifestation of work and passion.  He would first find himself moving through multiple careers, finding both success and failure in the high stakes world of tech entrepreneurship, but finally he would decide that his true goal was to continue to travel the world and become a photographer with something to say, and the right tools to say it with.  It's a goal that so many creative people have in life.  To walk away from a career that doesn't bring them fulfillment and chase their passions and their dreams. And on this episode we dive into what that looked like for Christopher.  During our conversion we talk about the steps he took to walk away from what seemed to be a financially rewarding path and go after a passion project instead, the mentors he's had along the way, giving back to the photography world by teaching and speaking, and the advice he gives to others chasing a similar creative dream.  

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Mar 7, 2019

Professional skateboarder, photographer, and frequently requested guest Arto Saari joins the show to talk about how he went from a small rural town in Finland, to leaving the country as a young teenager to go on tour with Danny Way and start an adventure that's continued ever since.  Like many people from a certain generation, Arto had his young mind blown by films like Thrashin', Gleaming the Cube, and even Back to the Future's skate scenes, but it would be an old board left behind by his uncle that would end up changing his life forever.  Although Seinajoki, Finland wasn't known for its abundance of skate-able terrain, Arto and his friends set about taking their skills to the next level by finding old warehouses that would make do as their own personal skate parks.  Before long Arto began to attract global attention when he seemed to come out of no where at the world championships in Germany.  That would lead to an invite to go on tour with Plan B, and the rest is history.  Arto would end up living in southern California and form a life long relationship with Flip Skateboards and a successful career as a professional skateboarder becoming Thrasher's skater of year in 2001.  During his career, he used his close proximity and friendships with many of the industries leading photographers and filmmakers to hone his own skills behind the camera and began to carve out a place for himself in a new profession that he was also passionate about.  He continues to both skate and create beautiful photographs that attract both commercial clients and art buyers alike, and has since taken on the humbling task of learning to surf Hawaii's North Shore.  During our conversation we talk about what made him leave Los Angeles and move to Hawaii, the intersection of skateboarding and photography, his love for Leica cameras, his photojournalist approach to skateboard photography, and the advice he gives to others coming up in the creative world.  

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Feb 23, 2019

Renowned fashion and celebrity photographer and Nikon ambassador Matthew Jordan Smith joins the show from his home in Tokyo to talk about how he went from the son of a preacher in a small town in the south to a very successful career in photography and the set of America's Next Top Model to work with his friend and frequent collaborator Tyra Banks.  Although Matthew was born in Brooklyn, he moved to the south at the age of 7 when his anesthesiologist father decided he wanted to pursue his passion of preaching and find his flock in a new location.  Feeling like an outsider in a new town he found photography at an early age and it gave him a voice and a way in to the world around him.  He instantly became fascinated with it and decided to go on to study photography.  When he left college early on to move to New York instead however, that's when his real photography education began.  He worked his way up in the world of assisting, and fell in love with fashion photography.  Before long, an agent stepped in and said he would be shooting for him now and the rest is history.  He's gone on to have an amazing career, shooting everyone from the world's most sought after super models to A-list celebrities, yet always kept a humble attitude and a beginners mind approach that would propel him further and further in the industry.  With multiple books to his name, a podcast of his own, and speaking gigs all over the world he has also given back to the world that gave so much to him.  During our conversation Matthew talks about the importance of always working on personal projects, the false narrative that success will bring you happiness that so many get trapped by, how he handles the stress of shooting celebrity work, and the advice he gives to others coming up in the world of photography.  

To Learn More About Matthew Jordan Smith Visit:

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Feb 15, 2019

Director, artist, writer, and exhibition curator Aaron Rose joins the show to talk about how he found himself in the midst of an amazing group of artists in the early 90s in New York and formed what would become the famed Alleged Gallery in the lower east side, how he set about capturing that era in the documentary film "Beautiful Losers", and the evolution of a long career as a creative working with some of the biggest companies in the world as well as continuing to make films, personal artwork, and gallery shows along the way.  Growing up in southern California, Aaron became attracted to the skateboard and punk scene of the early 80s and the artwork and since of belonging that came with it.  At the age of 19 he moved to New York City and began trying to scrape by, working at a thrift store and slowly meeting like minded people.  When an opportunity arose to move into a store front space, he jumped at the chance.  Before long he began forming a community around parties with artwork hanging on the walls, skateboarding in the streets, 40s in the fridge, and a general sense of chaos in the air.  It wouldn't be long before a lot of other artists wanted to show work there and the word would spread that there was a gallery showing work from the skate and street worlds that were not represented in the New York art scene.  That would become the Alleged Gallery and the rest is part of an amazing story of the rise of some very big names in the art world today.  You can see this story in the film "Beautiful Losers" that Aaron and others spent 5 years putting together and released in 2008.  During our conversation I ask about his work and art leading up to the gallery, the career opportunities that arose after the last days of Alleged and his debut documentary film, how he stays productive and organized working in so many creative outlets, and the advice he gives to others struggling to make it as artists.  

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Feb 8, 2019

On this episode of the podcast I catch up with celebrity & advertising photographer and Leica Ambassador Mark Mann in the midst of an insane travel schedule of shooting. We talk about how a chance encounter with a beautiful girl on a train when he was a teenager would make him decide to study photography, what it's like to sit face to face with the President of the United States, and how he formed a relationship with Leica.  Growing up in Glasgow, Mark was always a creative kid, but it wouldn't be until his college years at Manchester Polytechnic that he would focus his attention on learning photography and begin trying to find his voice as an artist.  After moving to New York in the mid 90s, Mark began assisting other well known photographers around the city, but it would be an opportunity to work with The Source magazine and the introduction to hip hop culture that would help to launch his career and develop a book full of celebrity figures.  Since then, Mark has gone on to photograph some of the biggest named celebrities, politicians, and influencers in the world, as well as shoot and direct commercial projects for well known corporate clients.  During our conversation we talk about balancing the passion projects with the ones that pay the bills, not ignoring your immediate surroundings as an artist, what he learned from his recent project of shooting men from age 1 to 80, and the advice he gives to others who dream of one day becoming a photographer.  

To Learn More About Mark Mann Visit:

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